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I loved her, but he swept her off her feet—something I wish I could have done years ago. I never had the nerve. I eventually told her, but she had the baby to think about.


I tried to warn her, but she was too stubborn. They were happy once, but he destroyed her, like I knew he would. I tried to get her to turn back, but she would not listen to a word of it, at least not at first. What is it like to watch the one person you would die for crumble under the pressure of love and loss? Well, I hope you never find out.


My love, my life, my best friend. She came back to me, and there I stood as scared as death. I had to take my chance before it was too late, before she moved past me without even looking back as if to whisper a faint “I love you.”

No more whispering, not today.


You see, love is a strange thing: you can go all your life searching for it, but never really understand what it is until it is staring you in the face. Then, once it’s gone, it’s gone, and no one has yet to figure out how to get it back. The thing with love is that you can’t be afraid to take it when it comes, because you never know when it will come again or how long it will last. Well, my love for her will never fade, and that is something worth writing about. She is something worth writing about. 

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